At Havana Bob’s Cuban Cigar Shop, our mission goes beyond delivering exceptional cigars; it’s about curating experiences that stay with you. Our happy customers gallery showcases the smiles, camaraderie, and genuine enjoyment shared by our valued customers. Every photo represents a moment of connection, relaxation, and appreciation for the finest Cuban cigars. We take pride in being a part of these cherished memories, and we invite you to explore our gallery to witness the joy that comes from indulging in the essence of Cuba’s rich cigar heritage. Thank you to our incredible customers for being the heart of Havana Bob’s.
• DO tell the taxi driver to take you down-town to Banorte Bank on the corner of 5th Avenue and 2 Norte. We are directly across the street inside Wet Wendy’s.
• DO NOT tell the driver you want cigars. They will tell you I died or moved or that they do not know me. They will take you to their friend’s tienda to sell you FAKE cigars and get a commission.
• DO NOT ask the driver to wait for you. I will call a taxi for you and save you a lot of money. Call me on +52 987 103 5726